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Two weeks in and two weeks to go…

Just a little update on Georgia.

About two weeks ago we hit the Tripawd forums because Georgia was experiencing some neck pain.  We are truly thankful for the support of the community during this time.

For a couple days Georgia was experiencing some severe neck discomfort.  For two nights we got little sleep, but we were able to get into Ohio State University’s veterinary neurology department quickly.  They determined the most likely cause of her pain and weakness is intervertebral disc disease (IVDD).  Without an MRI we can’t be 100% certain, but the best option at this time is to manage the condition medically.

So doctors order:

Exercise Restrictions:  Georgia is on crate rest for 4 weeks.


She is allowed out of the crate for supervised snuggling only.


No going up or down stairs and definitely no jumping.  Her access to the yard has been relegated to a small patch of grass outside the back door.  She has literally enough space to go potty.

Georgia was done with crate rest on day 3.  It has been a challenge trying to keep her safe and happy at the same time.  We were given some medication to help with sedation, but we don’t want to keep her drugged up all the time.  The moans of pain are now replaced with grunts and sighs of displeasure.  It is a welcome change.  I am very optimistic that we will be able to manage this condition medically.


Carprofen 100mg tablets for pain (we are since done with this), Gabapentin 300mg 3 x a day, Diazepam (muscle relaxer) 10mg every 8 hours as needed, Trazodone 100mg as needed for sedation.

We had 10 days of Carprofen and Georgia went off that without issue.  We are slowly reducing the Diazepam to see how she responds.  The first week we did 3 x a day, last week we did 2 x a day, and this week we are starting 1 x a day.  The Gabapentin appears to be doing wonders.  She has tolerated the medication well.

Livestyle Changes:

We have gotten rid of the neck collar and have gotten a harness for her.  In hindsight that should seem like a no brainer, but it wasn’t something we even considered.

Her days of couch and bed jumping are done.  High impact activities are off limits.  We are looking into and adjustable ramp for the couch and bed, but we have accepted that she will no longer be taking the 12 steps down to the basement on her own.

So here we are now.  Two weeks down and two weeks to go.  Georgia has her follow up appointment on February 3 with neuro and hopefully we will be cleared to start her rehab after.  Her first rehab appointment is conveniently scheduled after her neuro appointment.

Those first couple days were pretty scary, but now I am feeling confident that brighter days are ahead.

Thanks for sticking through this.  I can be pretty long winded when it comes to my princess.  I will keep you all posted after the neruo visit!

One thought on “Two weeks in and two weeks to go…”

  1. We will always stick by you and Georgia! I’m so glad you came back to update and share the good progress report. You have made some incredibly helpful lifestyle and environment changes for her that are clearly helping. Welcome to the senior life! We learn so much at all stages of a dog’s life, sometimes when we don’t expect to, but it’s all to benefit them in the long run, and us so that we can enjoy more time together.

    Keeping our paws crossed that the good reports keep coming. Feel free to share more photos, she is such a sweetie!

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Princess Georgia Peach is brought to you by Tripawds.